Here, Wonderland.

Life is a Journey of Faith. Here is its’ Journal.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my Wonderland.

Sip a cup of coffee, and drown yourself to wonderland


Since my early ages, I love the swirl and swing of words. I love it when creativity and imagination together dancing in the music of sentences. But I was afraid to start to write. I have no self confidence.  Yet, this writing passion still find its way to unveil itself, create their own wonderland.


“Everything in life is writable if you have the outgoing guts to do it and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”— Sylvia Plath


Have a good reading and feel free to give feedback!

God loves you all!

4 thoughts on “Here, Wonderland.

  1. Ahh.. momen memilih judul yg buat gue bikin pusing sista =]

    Gue dan otak gue sering bertengkar sendiri jadinya, hehehe.. untunglah pertengkaran ini reda setelah 2 tahun kira2. Kita sudah sepakatan (tanpa hitam di atas putih). Lalu.. terciptalah (voila! music: fanfare)

    keep blogging sis! ^^,

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